Please Donate to Kidney Health Australia

The moment your baby is born, your first question is always, Is everything OK?’

We already knew something was very wrong before Leif was even delivered.  It was devastating.

​​​​​​​After an easy pregnancy, Sri and Kari were shocked to learn at their 36-week ultrasound that their baby’s life was in danger. Tiny Leifur was delivered via emergency caesarean and began life in neonatal care.

All we knew was his kidneys were underdeveloped and he had a kidney condition. It took ages to find out what this meant for Leif and for our family. We really struggled!

Sadly, the financial, physical and emotional impact of kidney disease is lifelong - there is no cure.

​​​​​​​Your gifts will help kidney kids and their family access vital support services to help manage the impact of kidney disease, connect with others, and achieve a better quality of life.











Thank you. You are helping more kidney kids and their families.

My Choice

The moment your baby is born, your first question is always, Is everything OK?’

We already knew something was very wrong before Leif was even delivered.  It was devastating.

After an easy pregnancy, Sri and Kari were shocked to learn at their 36-week ultrasound that their baby’s life was in danger. Tiny Leifur was delivered via emergency caesarean and began life in neonatal care.

All we knew was his kidneys were underdeveloped and he had a kidney condition. It took ages to find out what this meant for Leif and for our family. We really struggled!

Sadly, the financial, physical and emotional impact of kidney disease is lifelong - there is no cure.

​​​​​​​Your gifts will help kidney kids and their family access vital support services to help manage the impact of kidney disease, connect with others, and achieve a better quality of life.

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Five hrs, 3 days a week

3 days a week, 5 hours of dialysis - can make those with chronic kidney disease feel trapped.

Give $50

I need to be in nature as often as I can. I need the mountains; I need the fresh air. And being on the bus gives me that. It makes the pain go away a little bit.

Give $200

The Big Red Kidney Bus program is an
amazing service. It makes us
feel like we are living a normal life, we can plan a getaway and visit wonderful and unique locations.

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